Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

                                          Wander Wilmot: Mushroom walk

Join the Wilmot Community Association (WCA) and Jess Whitaker, president of the Sunapee Region Mycology Club, at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21 for Wander Wilmot: Mushrooms starting at the WCA Red Barn and ending with a mushroom walk at Gardner Memorial Wayside Park.
Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of fungi that, through a multitude of beneficial interactions, build the ground we walk on.  Scientists are researching whether mushrooms can clean up oil spills and break down other environmental hazards.
Guests are encouraged to bring a magnifying glass, mushroom guidebook, camera, pencil and paper. Drinking water and bug repellant are also encouraged.
This program is free and open to the public, but reservations are required. To register, email us at wca@wilmotwca.org and please use Mushroom Walk in the subject line. You also are welcome to call the WCA office at 603-526-7934.