Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

Once again creativity reigned throughout Wilmot during the WCA’s eighth annual Scarecrow Contest. The winners were selected by an astute and austere panel of judges from the Kearsarge School District and the Wilmot Garden Club.

Many thanks to our judges –
from New London Elementary School: Rose and Iris Patrick and Sophie, Zach and Sarah Anderson
from the Wilmot Garden Club: Nancy Large, Lindy Heim and Chris Jenssen

The fabulous prizes are gift certificates to Grounds in New London and The Wilmot Garden Club Plant sale as well as gift subscriptions to the InterTown Record newspaper.

A huge thank you to all the participants! Your scarecrows are wonderful!

Wilmot Garden Club Best in Show
Carol & Doug McDonald’s Wilma Phlat

Kid’s choice
Chris & Tom Jenssen’s Patiently waiting for snow

Best use of natural materials
The Brown family’s scarecrow

Wilmot Public Library Storytime Group’s Mr. Hubbarb rides a reindeer

Lindy Heim’s After a long summer, Nature takes charge of the garden

Best social message
Keith Seaman’s Pilgrims around the totem pole

Sebastian Prieto’s Kearsarge Hockey PlayerSportiest Too
Ray Ilg’s Scarecrow for Ociee and Sawyer

Best group/family effort
Huff Family’s Summer Fun

Rachel Seaman’s Opposites attract