Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

The WCA welcomed an elusive spring with a fabulous breakfast the on April 8. Wholehearted thanks go out to the many volunteers who made it possible. The hard work paid off – big time. There were rave reviews from all quarters.

Rachel Seamans and Mary Kulacz organized the breakfast and headed up the hardworking crew. More than 80 people enjoyed a delicious breakfast of bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, baked beans, home fries, and baked French toast. A beautiful selection of pastries and gallons of coffee rounded out the morning.

Many thanks to the terrific crew – Chris Jenssen helped Rachel and Mary with the cooking. Fresh from the coop, Erica and David Herr and Elizabeth Harper donated some of their eggs. Bakers Darlene Delano, Rick Gauthier, Donna Miller, and Susan Nye brought sweet treats for all. De Segerson kept the coffee perking and everyone’s cup full. Darlene Hoyt and her daughter Carla kept the serving line moving. Adam Glass welcomed the crowd and took tickets. Brian Kulacz helped set up. Rhonda Gauthier and her granddaughter Nautica cleared and reset places. Kearsarge Regional High School student Russell Mellott ran load after load of dishes through the dishwasher. Margaret and Bill Doody assisted with clean up.

In addition to pouring coffee and clearing tables, Ann Davis organized a maple syrup raffle. Thank you to the maple syrup donors Robin and David Atwood and David Atwood Jr. from Five Saplings Sugarhouse, Spring Ledge Farm, Dr. Beth Horvath-Palmer and Scott Palmer, Charles Thompson and Jay Lyon. In addition, Rachel Seamans created a beautiful centerpiece for the raffle.

Many people asked about the next breakfast. Don’t miss the WCA’s annual Pie Breakfast on July 21.

Thank you one and all!