Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

Preparing for climate change takes a village

The WCA wishes to thank the Wilmot Democratic Committee and its partners for coordinating the eye-opening program Preparing for Climate Change with Dr. Lisa Doner, associate professor of environmental science and policy at Plymouth State University. 

Doner discussed climate change and its potential impacts nationally and locally. The northeast faces increased risk of floods, wildfire, poor water quality, food scarcity, and economic impacts. But Doner also provided practical, community driven preparations that anticipate the changes. With increased knowledge, communities can work together to prepare for change and develop hazard readiness plans.

Click the button below to review Doner’s presentation for recommendations on how to mitigate climate change and prepare our communities.