Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

Thanks to more than three dozen hardworking volunteers, the WCA’s annual Holiday Craft Fair was a terrific success. Without their able assistance, it would be impossible to organize and present this important fundraising event.

We extend special thanks to Kathy Neuberger, chairperson of the craft fair, for her tireless work and to Rachel Seamans for organizing and staffing Rachel’s Café.

Our hardworking volunteers, bakers and cooks included Melissa Aubertin, Deb Beerman, Lisah Carpenter, Ann Davis, Marc Davis, Mary Fanelli, Rhonda Gauthier, Adam Glass, Mary Kulacz, Mike Lasonde, Linda Malecha,  Jim Malecha, Brianna Marino, Kristin McCarthy, Brian McCarthy, Lori Meding, Sandy Messer, Donna Miller, Heidi Nelson, Dave Nelson, Brian Neuberger, Howard Neuberger, Susan Nye, Sandy Rock, Clifford Rock, Jan Sahler, Kim Slover, and Barbara Wiggin.

The WCA is delighted to support local students with community service projects. We were happy to have Hayden Brown, Max Brown, Elizabeth Howard, Elie McCarthy, Ashley Neuberger, Rose Patrick and Jack Schwendler help out.

The fair was held December 7 at The Outing Club Indoor Center in New London.

Our sincere thanks to one and all!