Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

Pie for breakfast – a delicious success. More than 150 people enjoyed a delicious morning at the WCA’s Pie Breakfast on July 8. Pie for breakfast is part of a New England summer. People came from far and wide to help the WCA celebrate this wonderful tradition. Organizers Amber Gove and Rachel Seamans would like to thank everyone who attended the fundraiser as well as the many volunteers who made it all possible.

Volunteers prepared sweet and savory pies to delight every taste bud. These fine bakers included … take a deep breath it’s a long list …

Shandi Allen, Kim Baer, Jan Baker, Meredith Bird-Miller, Jen Caponigro, Fran Crowell, Sue Cushing, Elaine and Charlie Davidson, Kathy Davidson, Ann Davis, Darlene Delano, Mary Fanelli, Jessica Ferren, Adam Glass, Amber Gove, Darlene Hoyt, Sue Hoyt, Chris Jenssen, Karina Jonas, Margaret and John Monto, Kristin Nesbit, Kathy Neuberger, Susan Nye, Jim Ransom, Michelle Robinson, Sandy Schmidt, Rachel Seamans, De Segerson, Christine Stuart, Barbra Wiggins, Olivia Woods and Dot Young! We couldn’t have done it without you – thanks so much!

Amber and Rachel were ably assisted by a superb crew of kitchen and dining room volunteers. Kim and Carly Esposito, Josiah and Avery Gove, Gavin Grant, Darlene and Carla Hoyt, Chris Jenssen, Nancy Large, Marissa and Tori Montagna, Michelle Robinson, and Dot Young answered the call to make it a great day. Thanks to all!

And finally, the WCA is grateful to everyone who joined the fun at this great fundraiser. This year’s Pie Breakfast was the biggest and most successful ever.

Live free and eat pie!