Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

The WCA’s Red Barn was jumping on Friday night, April 5. Happily, the ice and snow held off for a few days so everyone could come out for a night of mystery, mayhem and delicious food. The sold-out event incorporated a festive fund-raising dinner with a fun mystery game.

The WCA is indebted to the many volunteers who gave their time and talents to make this wonderful evening happen. Heaps of applause go out to event chairperson, Amber Gove. The evening was her brainchild. Amber says, “A huge thank you to everyone involved. I could never have done it alone!”

Rachel Seamans led the behind-the-scenes, set-up and kitchen crews. The workers included a great group of hardworking students. We were delighted to have Sophie Anderson, Max and Hayden Brown and Rose Patrick in the kitchen and on the floor. The foursome did a fabulous job serving, busing tables and cleaning up.

Joanne Tulonen along with Amber and Rachel created a fun-filled supper club, complete with disco ball. A delicious Italian dinner was prepared by Susan Nye and Ann Davis. Some of Wilmot’s best cooks and bakers donated garlic bread, cupcakes or a vegetarian option for dinner. Many thanks to Darlene Delano, Mary Fanelli, Chris Jenssen, Kristin McCarthy, Michelle Robinson, Jesse Schust,  Helen,and  Barbara Wiggin. Additional thanks to Marc Davis for dashing out for more chicken for the sold-out audience and ticket-taker Adam Glass for manning the door.

Laugh-filled mayhem was the order of the evening after a “murder” was discovered at the Drop Dead Disco. A talented troop of local actors kept the suspense high and the questions coming. Thank you to all of the players – Kendall Buck, Jeff Gill, Jesse Schust, Joanne Tulonen, Helen Wickham and Barbara Wiggin.

Thank you to all who came out and enjoyed the evening.