Wilmot Community AssociationBringing Neighbors Together For More Than 60 Years!

Wilmot Community Association Bringing Neighbors Together For 60 Years!

The Best Neighbor Ever

The WCA will be celebrating 60 years of bringing neighbors together in 2023. Through the years, there have been extraordinary people who have given a tremendous amount of time and heart to Wilmot. Perhaps you can think of one, or three, of those special people. Submit your nomination for The Best Neighbor Ever and they may be selected and featured in the InterTown Record. The Wilmot Community Association’s 60th Anniversary Committee will review nominations and select 12 people as the Best Neighbor Ever from Wilmot.

Review the guidelines and download the nomination form.


1.    Lived in Wilmot at least since 2020.

2.    Active volunteer whose work has benefited other people, an organization, or the community.

3.    Must be living. No posthumous nominations.


  • Achievement – nominee’s accomplishment produced significant results
  • Action – the involvement of the nominee is active and hands-on
  • Caring – as demonstrated by the nominee’s interaction with others
  • Commitment – the nominee has a sincere belief in their community
  • Impact – the nominee’s work has produced positive changes, provided examples for other groups
  • Initiative – the nominee recognizes a need in their local community and initiates new programs or activities to meet that need
  • Leadership – the nominee demonstrates leadership in Wilmot
  • Time – the nominee dedicates considerable time and energy to making a difference in their community